Do you ever wake up in the morning, get out of bed, and think “There has to be more to life” but you don’t even know where to start to improve things? Below is my quick blueprint for problem-solving in different life areas. It will help you to figure out what to do next.

1.Think about the different areas of your life

When we’re unhappy, there are usually 4 big areas that need work:

  • Relationships (or lack of)
  • Your career (or lack of)
  • Your health/wellbeing
  • Your money situation

If you only have issues in one area, that’s amazing and you have a starting point. If you have more than one then choose the most painful problem area to work on.

2. Define (on paper) why that area is making you unhappy

Then define what you’d love that area to look like so you can be happy. (Tip. It’s super powerful to write all this down)

3. Think about the action steps

You need to take action steps to get from where you are, to where you want to be, and then break those action steps down even further.  Example. If you want to improve your career, what do you actively need to do to get it where you would love it to be?

  • Get another job?
  • Learn how to love the job you have?
  • Start a side hustle?
  • Move to another country or city?
  • Change your mindset?

4. Choose one idea from step 3 above and start to problem-solve

If you’ve decided to work on learning how to love your job, how would you problem solve it?

  • Start your work mornings off better (maybe get a good morning routine going)
  • Actively practice gratitude daily and learn how to deepen that practice (So powerful!)
  • Addressing problems at work with co-workers or bosses

You get the idea. Brainstorm a few different ideas that sound good.

5. Take action

What’s one thing you can do to start solving your problem from Step 4? If you want to start your mornings off better, how can you do that?

  • Maybe exercise
  • Maybe drink your favorite latte every morning before you leave the house
  • Maybe meditate for a few minutes
  • Maybe start another powerful daily mental habit

Just implement one thing from above and take that action, then rinse and repeat. Sometimes solving a big problem requires compounded action. I hope my quick blueprint for problem-solving in your different life areas helps you to start solving your problems. Drop me an email if you get success with this. I’d love to hear your story!

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