I love taking time out to do proper reflections and review sessions every 3 months or so, just to rest and get my head back on track. I also like to reassess my goals for the next few months. It took me years to feel comfortable enough to slow down and stop working, have a time out, relax and think. Now that I know how important it is, I build it into my routine.

Hubby had some work to do in another province (state), so I packed up my toddler, and off we went to the coast for a few days. The weather was gorgeous, and we stayed in an apartment overlooking a beautiful beach. It was perfect for my mid-year reflections and review session. Perfect for me to review, make bigger plans, and set my goals for the next 6 months of 2022. Amidst running behind my little one, cleaning and cooking – I took a look at what worked over the last 6 months, what didn’t work, what I needed to change, what I needed to remember, and what I need to do. I’ll share some of them below:

  • I deserve to make more time for myself, doing the things I want to do
  • I deserve to take care of myself and make myself my biggest priority
  • No compromising on anything that does not resonate with my heart (situations, interactions with people, etc.)
  • I am going to get what I want, it has to come. It’s Law
  • What I’m doing is enough, I am enough
  • It’s ok to have days where I don’t feel my best. I will honor it, but I will move on from it. No getting stuck
  • Being honest about how I feel wrt anything is the most important thing. It’s the only way for me to release resistance so my desires can come to me
  • I have the most amazing goal-setting process
  • I love my morning routine
  • I am no longer playing small, I’ve proven that I’ve got the Power to create whatever I want

How often do you have a reflection and review session, if at all? Do you write down your learnings, your realizations, your wins, celebrations, and the improvements needed? If not, this is your official invitation to take time out for a few days. Maybe you don’t need to go anywhere, you can do it from your sunny spot on the couch. Miracles are created when you have space and time to think. Pause and reflect. We live in a busy world, don’t get caught up in that monotonous circle. Your goals and plans are important, but they need regular review and maintenance to stay alive.


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