What does it mean to create and hold space for yourself?

It means drawing boundaries around who you need to be for everyone, and giving yourself the space to be who and how you want to be for yourself. You have many different roles to play in life – the partner/wife, the daughter, the sister, the aunt, the worker, the colleague, the friend, the neighbor, the acquaintance, the networker, the dreamer, the go-getter…. the list goes on. Creating space for yourself happens when you open up your time, energy, and physical space to live, reflect and enjoy your life. Usually, this starts with sitting down with your thoughts. It’s especially important when you’re feeling stagnant or overwhelmed or resistant to life in general. So if you have any of these going on, you might want to take a step back and re-evaluate. Here are a few easy ways to create and hold space for yourself:

1.Wake up 15 minutes earlier to sit and reflect before starting your day

2. Go for a short, 10-minute walk during your work day

There’s nothing like getting fresh air and feeling the sunshine on your face

3. Stop your Netflix time

Did you know the average person watches 34 hours of TV or screens every week? Cut out this distraction for a couple of days and watch your peace of mind improve.

4. Take a 15-minute timeout to enjoy a hot cup of tea in the afternoon

5. Embrace procrastination sometimes

If you REALLY don’t want to do that task, maybe it isn’t necessary to do it after all

6. Make meditation a part of your morning routine

One of the best ways to create space is to consistently practice calming your mind down to allow your intuition to get stronger and flow

7. Turn off all notifications after hours

You don’t need to know about that new comment on your Instagram post or the latest office email after hours. Make it a habit to turn off notifications after working hours are up.

8. Reduce your To-Do list

We put everything on the list that we want to accomplish instead of being realistic about what we can physically do in a certain timeframe. Reduce the number of tasks in a day or spread them out over a longer time.


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