Do you know how to use affirmations?

Affirmations are a powerful tool to help you change your thoughts and feelings. Affirmations are declarations, statements, or mantras that you repeat over and over – either written down or in your head. I know many Law of Attraction teachers also practice affirmations in front of the mirror. Jack Canfield is a huge advocate of mirror work. He says that his negative self-talk disappeared completely after 40 days of mirror work. How amazing! Personally, I love using them throughout the day because they help to keep my mind focused. And I love using them to amp up my self-worth. The ones I’ve listed below are 3 easy affirmations to use for self-love. You can use them at any time, anywhere, and write them down, say them out loud or even in your head.

I found that repeating affirmations in my head throughout the day curbs my thought process from any thoughts that do not serve me. It’s a powerful way to go through my day and after a couple of days, you start to believe the affirmation, which is why it’s also a brilliant tool to get into alignment with what you want. It’s one of my favorite manifesting methods.

1.I believe in myself


2. I am so loved


3. I am an amazing human


I’ve practiced these until they became beliefs that I hold. And in the process, they have become true for me. Learning to become self-aware is an important part of mastering your life. And you learn how to become self-aware by knowing what reality your thoughts and emotions are portraying. It’s too difficult to keep track of every single thought you have, so what better way to train yourself, than to repeat affirmations over again. They don’t cost anything, they are super effective and when you feel the tangible effects of this practice in your life – you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner!

Download your FREE copy of our 30 Day Self-Care Guide for busy women on the go. This guide has simple, powerful, effective self-care activities you can do daily. Get it here.


Download your FREE copy of 10 powerful success affirmations. This guide has a system for curating your own positive affirmations that actually appeal to you so you can bring change into your life without having to struggle against your current habits. Get it here.